The beginning ...
The introductory lesson on Educational Psychology led me to a journey of IT applications, for example, blogging and wiki which I have never used before. As my IT proficiency is elementary, it has been quite overwhelming for me going through the numerous stages in creating wiki and bogging account. However I managed to create my first blog at the end of the lesson, much to my satisfaction... and thanks to my lecturer, Grace, guiding me patiently...
The Multimedia session was interesting but took me sometime to get myself familiarise with navigating through the drawing tools . I like the 'Flash' software and encouraged by the patience of the lecturer, Jean. The Interface Design session reminded me of elements and principles of design. However, it is the first time I am applying to typography.
The journey continues...
As I went through the assignments for the week, I realised I needed to post this reflection on my blog. But to my surprise, I forgot my user id and password. Worst still I realised that my blog created could not be found on the 'Dashboard'. So I went through the Internet hoping to find a solution. Unfortunately after more than an hour I still could not locate my blog. It led me through different restorations other than my original blog.
As I worked with 'Flash', I became more interested and did more reading on the software and try exercises using 'Flash MX'. Working on the typeface designs is tedious but put our creativity to good use. I wish to learn more from my lecturer, Peggy, and have more time to do the assignments.
What shall I do ?
I realised I have logged in with a different account.. the very reason why the original blog could not be found on the 'Dashboard'. After a few tries with alternative log-in accounts, the mystery was finally solved... hooray! Posting this reflection is finally possible...
I will continue to practice and work on my assignments. This is the window and gateway to the world of multimedia.
A new beginning...
Though I know the journey ahead is going to be tough, I am determined to improve my IT proficiency.... With the lecturers guiding me and learning together with my friends, it will be a rewarding journey.... I am looking forward to creating e-learning materials and making lessons more interactive...