Monday, March 3, 2008

Constructivist Views Of Learning

As a visual learner, I need pictures, drawings, maps to help me understand. Therefore I need to construct a pictorial structure of learning items.This helps me to the link various aspects of a topic giving me a holistic picture. Listening to a lecture will not do as it helps only about 5%. Constructing it as a map ( mind-map or C-map ) gives me about 90% understanding.

Sketching a concept map manually has its advantage as I can quickly jot down the ideas as I progress. It is readily available. However in the long run, I prefer to use a software like C-map to construct learning. It is editable, neat, adds another dimension to learning... being creative with colours and shapes to stimulate interest in reading it!

I will be using it more often to organise my lessons and encourage my students to use it as a learning tool to help them comprehend, recall and apply what they have learnt.

Using a CONSTRUCTIVIST approach, the retention rate of learning is high... as shown in the following C-map.

1 comment:

Grace Lim said...

Thanks Chris for the posting!

As a visual learner, you have been naturally & actively using visualisation tools such as pictures, drawings to construct your understanding of learning :-)

Now, with the use of Cmap tools in concept mapping, it augments your repertoire of learning strategies for your own learning as well as enhancing your teaching. In doing so, you will be modelling the use of it among your students in constructing their understanding of your subject matter.

It's very encouraging to see you applying the skills you learnt & transferring them to your class!

Please keep up with the good work done!